Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bright Star

I just finished watching "Bright Star" movie
It was about John Keats life and death
The movie is so richly and beautifully sad
It's like Keats poems itself
soft and dreamy and leaves the bitterness of love on your tongue.

“I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion - I have shuddered at it. I shudder no more - I could be martyred for my religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that”.
John Keats



Germantown MD

P.S. It was a peaceful movie day after all those crazy days of finals


  1. حالا ننه متنت گشنگ بود به کنار ...اما این عکس های منکراتی چیه میذاری
    خدا به دور استغفرالله ...توبه
